We all know I'm no snow bunny. I hustle from place to place when it's cold with my hands in my pockets and a determined grimace on my face. I'm wondering though if I just shouldn't adjust to it and get in the game. Rejoice in the white stuff and make some snowmen and snow angels. Not that I can handle big snowmen - Doctor McDreamy (the neurosurgeon - really, I have one the nurses call by that name!) says nothing over 10 pounds. But, baby snowmen are better than no snowmen if you're going to embrace the ice. Winters in Michigan mean snow - and in this area they mean ice fishing and a Festival called Tip-Up Town. It's an ice shanty heaven. Other nearby towns have snowmobile races, snowshoe races, ski races. Hmmmm, I wonder why we're the town with the laid back ice fishing contest.
A town north of us really embraces the ice - when I was up there last I took a photo of the ice tree. Every year they have this tree in the center of town. It's cool - in more ways than one!
Maybe all of this is why I like the heat of torches.....hahahaha.