We were sitting next to a very interesting man named Mitchell. Mitchell was a body painter and ear proprietor. I’ve included Mitchell with one of the lovely ladies he was painting for the Medieval Ball or the Dark Carinivale Ball. You could purchase faerie ears in six different sizes and he would paint them to match your skin coloring. I love those things~ they stick on your ears pretty darn good without anything but also come with spirit gum for longer wear.

This is me in side view with faerie ears (See, I’m already working toward that tooth fairy costume).
One of the other things I just could not do without – Fhairy Strands. I mentioned it in the previous post. This stuff just rocks. There was this striking lady with gray hair that was nearly to her waist. Her name was Dancing Hands – her Native American name. In her hair was this amazing flicker of silver. I know, I live in Michigan – Northern Michigan – and it’s not like we are going to take any “trendy” awards up here. They count the Kirtland Warblers for fun around here. I was fascinated by it, entranced actually. Half the day I watched ladies saunter past the booth one way and return from Dancing Hands booth, their hair aglow with color. Not just silver/ mocha/ pink/ black/ green/ rainbow. I was blown away.
Adding pink steaks to my hair was fun (and long gone)….this was better.
After Dancing Hands had passed by several times on her own breaks – and Wendy Froud had stopped by to ask directions to the Faerie Hair booth I couldn't resist any longer.
Did I say I love this stuff ?
Dancing Hands was as gracious as she was stunning. She let me watch her and repeated the steps of what she was doing patiently….and it did seem as if her hands were dancing. Her Fhairy Hair is beautifully dyed and altered silk strands. They are very thin and attach to an existing hair. She very carefully lifts a section of hair, looks for a thick strand and with a tiny rug hook looking tool attaches one silk to one strand with a small knot. The strand flows, just like your hair. You can brush it, wash it, blow dry it, curl it, and so on until eventually the hair it is attached to falls out. Some of those ladies had fhairy hair’s that had been in their heads for a year or more. I had five strands put in – they’ve been in for a couple of weeks. You can even purchase a kit on-line.
Did I say I love this stuff?
I don’t feel it in my hair. I do, however get a kick out of the people at the local Walmart who notice it. So far, not many have had the courage to ask (and I know they don’t sell Fhairy Strands at the Walmart). Do you know who does? The older clerks – the one’s with the twinkle in their eye. Old enough not to care who might stare or ask questions – bold enough to ask. Mostly, I think, because they have the “been there/tried that life” and would enjoy a strand or two themselves. I sure know I have enjoyed the experience of RenCon and I have the Fhairy Hair and memories to prove it.
Okay, so tomorrow I'll post some beads.
Oooooh, I love those fairy ears! So crinkled with character.
I figure I'm crinkled too so I can be like old wise faerie.
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