The rocking horses were created to be auctioned off later to benefit "Main Stay". Main Stay Therapeutic Riding has been using horses to heal humans for over 23 years. They work with people who have special needs such as autism, cerebal palsy, stroke, alzheimers, traumatic brain injuries, and many others. They also accept donations so feel free to send them a little if you can. My daughter-in-law Sonya does wonderful work with horses and I can tell you this is a worth while endeavor.
This artist for Kuda-Karun-Ku (translated: My Treasured Horse) is Siti-Mariah Sullivan. Isn't the painting on this particular piece intricate? And look at what she did with the saddle. It's has a falcon painted at the end where the curves are. Spectacular in every way.
This was a beautiful Rocker. It was a magical Koi Pond and it just sparkled in the day light sun. The artist is Patti Douglas and it's title is "Horse Out of Water".

Below is the close-up of the barnyard rocker called "Down on the Farm". The artist (Sandie Bacon) used the great story about the goat, dog, and rooster....etc. The trunk base they turned into a chicken coop and she had it full of little hens and chicks.
Don't ya just love Arty communities? The horse below is the "Tuscan Vineyard" by Belinda Bockman. It was so richly done with the vineyards painted on the saddle blanket, the grapes on the horse and then the Pellingino labels on the saddle. An especially nice touch was the base of the rocker. They had cut wine bottles in half and added them to the trunk. This was a very cleaver piece of work.

This was my mini-tour of the Main Stay Sculptures but if you'd like to see more or vote for your favorite horse you can by clicking on this link: Rock ON.
Sharon, those are awesome rockers! What a great exhibit that must have been.
They were so much fun Mallory - you'd of enjoyed yourself completely. I wish I could of shown them all.
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