Dirty Bench - Clean Mind

I love how when you get your bench dirty your mind clears out. All of what has been pinging around in your head is suddenly focused on the task at hand. This is what I've been doing with some of the goodies from the Gathering. That is a tide pool bead flattened out to fit a square mandrel. You'll have to use your imagination on the wax. I used soft pink modeling wax and a medium hard red wax to make the sculptural setting to use for the lost wax casting. I'm hoping it casts well because I'm going to like the new cab set in a silver setting. Keep your fingers crossed. You should have seen it with the sprues on it after I took the wax off of the cab. It looks like a fish caught up in a tangled branch. Fantastic or flub I'll post it next week after it's done being cast.
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