It’s the big count down for Bead Soup Blog Hop – One week to go – I’m working like mad on my pieces. Since I don’t do much finished work anymore it’s been a challenge to put my ducks in a row. So what can you expect me to put with Rebecca’s great soup she sent me?
The photo is of waxed linen I used in addition to my bead soup stash…..if you want to know what I did with it you will have to tune in to this blog next Saturday, March 3rd for the big Blog Hop. It’s going to include some awesome eye candy.
Starting on next Saturday I’m going to make it a Bead Soup Week. After the initial hop post I’m going to spend the rest of week talking tutorials, close-ups, design reasoning behind the necklace I created, new internet resources, and some of my blog hop favorites. It’s going to be a whopper of a week to start off March!
Sharon, you have my mouth watering to see what you have made for the reveal. I have had my piece ready since the SAME DAY I received the soup. It was no challenge for me, I knew exactly what I wanted to make with the beads I was sent. I have just tried to put it out of my mind and not think about it. I can't wait until next Saturday. But, as my Mother would say, "Well, I guess you will have to."
Jean - You are so incredibly productive. I so wish I could gear myself in that direction. I haven't done an art show in about 15 years so I kind of let the finishing aspect slide into the rabbit hole and it's become quite the stumbling block for me. At least while that has happened I've been tickled to make components for others who enjoy them too. Patience : - ) - the big reveal is coming!
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