Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Daisy Grows An Extended Family

I sat on our story for a very long time.   Suffered quietly while I tried to get a grip on our new life and what we were going to be capable of doing - or not.  I can not tell you how much lighter I feel for having gotten it all out.  It has been liberating to just say it out loud.  I guess holding on to it kind of made it the "dirty little secret" that haunted my thoughts.  It's so not a healthy way to live.

Then along came Daisy - - - - and out poured everything when she was diagnosed with that severe hip dysplasia.  I cried for everything - everything I thought, or felt, or stuffed and choked on for the past six years.  It took a precious face so helpless to control her own destiny to totally blow my cover. 

You can't know how frightened I was to put all of this out there.  I can be so painfully quiet in person.  This blog has been like a journal - I can tell you about my art and talk and pass things on without that moment of panic over whether whatever I say will be "bright enough, cleaver, conversational, blah blah blah."  It has been cathartic over these years while Brian worked at healing.  I would sit here with him and type.  Bring you all newsy art things I could pass along...and I like to do that.

To see what you are doing for Daisy - well, even writing this my eyes are moist.  I am humbled beyond belief.  To think that all of you kind and wonderful people I have met - and many I have not - would contribute your hard earned money to help her become whole for us...well, my heart is just bursting. 

Daisy may not know what is happening - but I do.  She is becoming 'everyone's' puppy.  I look at her and I see all of you.  She smiles at me and I see all of your facebook pictures and work.  And I get humble all over again.  To quote Martha - It's a good thing.  We appreciate your assistance.  It's beyond words how much we appreciate it.  I'm exploding with pride and I know we'll make it.

Here is a "daily Daisy" for us:

Really Mom, it wasn't much of a garden and there was a mole in there somewhere.

Thank You Everyone -

With Much Love,  Sharon, Brian, Trudy, and our Daisy.


Lela said...

Hilarious photo! :D

Jean A. Wells Handcrafted Jewelry said...

What an adorable and innocent face. They certainly have different opinions about where it is acceptable to stick, no shove, your face than we do.