It's time I got back to this......I think about it, and don't do it.
No, I've not been sitting still on a rock out in the universe. Oh, yes I have - literally, but not figuratively. So, for the sake of getting up to date I'm going to spend a day going to through the events of the past year and see if there isn't some way to catch us up without losing site of what is currently going on so I don't get 'lost in space" again.
In the mean time - I've had three major metalsmithing classes. No surgeries, whew! I've become a studio monitor at a major a major Asheville glass studio, and gone back to teaching (in at least one medium).
Busy, yes. But not too busy that I can't get back to this.
So, temporarily hang tough. I hope you'll come back to once again check out what's new here.