Tuesday, February 26, 2008

You've Got To Start Somewhere

I guess everyone has something they want to say. Today my DH said he'd seen an interesting item on one of the morning news shows about Ernest Hemingway and how he met a man in a bar. The man challenged him to write a story in six words, he did. My dear husband thought about that and wrote mine. "Born, frustrated artist, not yet content". And, I think he did described me pretty well. So the something I want to say is I'm on a journey...and it began a long time ago. No destination point, yet! I haven't arrived and don't exactly know where I'm going artistically, so we're just going to meander together. If you see things begin to take on a certain genre or focus let me know. Until then let's enjoy the adventure.

I'll be posting several times a week. Photos of my work and thoughts of the journey past, present, and future. Check in often.

1 comment:

Lela said...

This just described me to a T.

I've been doing all kinds of art my whole life & there's so much more I want to try.

There must be a lot of US out there. ;)