A warm Spring Day. It’s been unseasonably warm here in Michigan this Spring. We usually have snow through April and have been know to have snowfall up to Mother’s Day. Yikes! This has been wonderful. We are 43 degrees above normal. Today we cleaned the deck and put out the patio furniture. Is that premature? Maybe.
Speaking of Happiness, I have news. Our little feral cat who we have always called “Big Momma” just had a brood of kittens in our garage. It happened over the weekend – we were expecting it to happen a little later but she was pretty darn wide. She seems content to keep them there in the little cat tower, so be it. When they are weaned I think our local vet will take them to adopt out. At that time I’ll have her spayed too. They’re so cute.
Spring weather, new kittens, tulips are coming up, furniture is out (better yet, I can sit outside), open windows, it’s a time of renewed purpose.
Happiness is an early spring, warm babies, and an impending road trip vacation with all of the girls in the family…a girls gone wild week of fun.
And happiness for you is…?... come on, tell me what makes you happy today.