Shucks, Darn, Drat, Poop, and all of the other really good words that go with a project completed, photographed, and nearly listed when…zap! The fatal error shows its ugly face in a close-up. There it was – a crack! It is the tiniest of the tiny and not noticeable to the eye but as bold as red-headed floozy in church when looked at through the macro lens of the camera. Amen brothers and sisters.
Well, thank gosh for quality control, editing, and cameras because I’d be sick if I listed it and someone got bead that I had passed an inspection on. It’s a great necklace too! Boo Hoo.
Let’s look at the bright side though. I did get to practice a whole lot of wire work and forging. All the metal on this pendant was made by me. And, it is cleaver. The ring is soldered and it swings freely from the spiral in a unique way that allows the sway but will not allow the dangle to fall off. I even made the bail to hang it it all from. It’s cute – parts are salvageable. Maybe none of it will end up being the same necklace but whatever it goes it’ll work too! For posterity though it’s pictured above. The pendant that almost was…………..