Sunday, January 18, 2009

Improving Your Etsy Shop

Here is a short excerpt from an article on improving your Etsy sales. It looks like I have some improving to do. How about you?

-Use all the tags available to you.
-Use all five photo slots for each piece.
-Add more views, angles, and close-ups of the pieces.
-Put Canada as a separate shipping destination.
-Check the International postal rates and add them too!
-Add more in the description about how things were made.
-Point them to your profile in your shop announcement.
-Use the title area under the banner for something more than repeating the
shop’s name.
-Add photos of jewelry to the shop banner.
-Crop images to make them square rather than, or in addition to, using the black spacers.
-Join an Etsy team.

Here’s some additional ideas:

Promote off Etsy — blogs, flickr, myspace, post business cards on bulletin boards, twitter
See the
“pimp your shop” article in the shop makeover series in the Storque
See the
listing checklist in The Storque
See the
Seller Handbook in The Storque
See the article on
props and how to style photos in The Storque
See the article on the
art of pricing in The Storque

1 comment:

rosebud101 said...

Great ideas, Sharon! Thanks for the tips!