Monday, June 3, 2013

Last of the B&B beads

Kind of a primary color group!
Well - - - - this is the last set of the Bead and Button group.  I'll start tagging and boxing them up tonight so I can get going.  There is so much to get done in the next two days.

I have equipment to get ready for the classes I'm taking and a suitcase to pack up.  I always hate this part of the process.  I tend to stick the suitcase out days ahead of time and begin placing things into it.  That's my usual MO on packing but I didn't get to it this time because I was working on the beads.  It looks like I'm going to rush and that means I might forget something and I hate it when I do that....makes me cranky to take a class and be missing a tool I'd like to use.

If you don't hear from me for the next day or two I'll be on my way to Milwaukee and I'll write from there.  There are always great things to post about at B&B.  I'm excited for the classes and to see Milwaukee again - I just don't want to pack.


rosebud101 said...

I'm so jealous!!!!! have fun!!!!

Lela said...

Have fun - I know you will! Great beads!