Sunday, November 23, 2014

Still Sorting and Packing

Thirty years - I have over thirty years in this house.  Uh, that is like 5 tons of I should have purged a long time ago.  And yet I still find myself looking through boxes and telling myself, "That's too close to being finished, I might use that some day, oh no - I couldn't possibly part with this".  What am I thinking - If I haven't done it by now I never will.  It's not that I'm not throwing things away.  That is happening and we've had to borrow the neighbors trash can several times over the past few weeks but it doesn't seem like nearly enough.  Maybe what I need is a dumpster.  If you pay for that thing then you feel a need to fill it up, right? 

I'm lamenting the fact I unplugged the kiln yesterday.  It's done.  No lampworking or clay for the next 3 months while we transition out of this house and into a new one.  It's sad.  I see everyone's holiday beads and such and I get a ping in chest.  The urge to go and not going to happen.

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